Reclaimed and Repurposed

People get so worked up about things breaking. Not everything I throw or build survives into a finished product. There are a variety of steps that the clay takes to get to a functional piece of pottery. At any given time a piece may crack, warp, or explode. Sure, it’s disappointing because now I have to reinvest my time to create a like item, but it’s not a total loss. If the clay hasn’t been fired then all I’m out is my time because I can reuse that clay. Any clay that gets trimmed from a piece isn’t automatically garbage, either. I save all of it.


Scraps are left on a canvas table to get bone dry.


After the clay pieces are bone dry I rehydrate them in a 5 gallon bucket.



The sludgy clay is put into a mixer.

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Then I add enough clay powder to reach the proper consistency.

I get my clay from Krueger Pottery in St. Louis.

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Once the clay works through the mixture it comes out a manageable consistency that I will use to create more pieces.


There’s a similar process that we go through as humans, as Christians. In our sin and brokenness we are useless. We lack appeal and value and could easily be discarded.  However, God chose to repurpose us. He chose to give us new life. He rehydrated us with Christ’s blood and the waters of baptism. He uses the Holy Spirit to work in our hearts. After Christ we have a new purpose, we have a new value. We are redeemed  creations of the Potter. He forms us, shapes us and gives us purpose – life.